Marketing management: from plan to practice
Just offering a good product or good service is not enough. To be successful, you really must distinguish yourself. A well thought out marketing strategy is of essential importance. Red Star is your strong partner in the context of marketing management and support within your organization.
Our reliable approach starts with an analysis of your existing market position and marketing policy. At the same time, we map the most recent market developments and your competitors. We then jointly draw up a marketing plan, in which traditional and online marketing instruments are interwoven. Once the plan is ready, the marketing activities can be put into practice. We will be pleased to help you with coordination and to support you with the development, styling, implementation and monitoring thereof.
Examples of marketing management and support:
- Market research
- Online marketing & Social Media
- Website creation & maintenance
- Branding & Positioning
- Providing communication means (brochures, product fact sheets, newsletters, magazines, etc.).
- Events organisation
- Promotional activities, advertisements, etc.